Director’s Message


Learning can never come to a stop and is a continual, lifelong process. With years of involvement with the teaching-learning process, imparting skill education – the best form of education that an individual can imbibe to get the finest essence of his life, it had been my heart’s desire to reach out to the masses beyond the geographical barriers. Something that was waiting to happen from a long span of years is happening now – in the year 2020 and the somehow this pandemic has paved way for many positives too – ilearning is one such wonderful platform that will strive to embody its vision in the development of learning and learning based on excellence, creativity and sustainable growth.  

The very establishment of ilearning is to bring in line the systematic integration of technology into the process of learning and teaching in all faculties like fashion, food, hotel management – to name just a few of the initiatives planned. The academic programs being launched have been meticulously curated to meet the needs of the current digital generation and in meeting the demands of making learning more blended, receptive, supple, collaborative, adaptive, more individualised, more expressive, more applicable to working life and more focused on developing the professional competencies, attitudes and skills of the 21st century. 

Our faculty is our strength and we vouch for their expertise in their field of work. Their immense enthusiasm and long standing experience are sure to leave an indelible mark in the professional learning experience of each learner. The team at ilearning yearns to give each seeker an experience that will reinforce his abilities scaled up to make radical life-changing capabilities.

We ask you to embark on a journey with us to discover all that we have to offer and help you reach your intrinsic goals of achievement and growth. 

Ms. Brijinder Kaur Nagpal

(M.D. NFCI Educations Pvt. Ltd.)


pemninder singh nagpal

Mr. Pemninder Singh Nagpal

(MD NFCI Global Pvt. Ltd.)

anjna joshi

Ms. Anjna Joshi


Sanjeev kashayp

Mr. Sanjeev Kashyap


naveen sir

Mr. Naveen Dua

(HR Head)

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