Our Story

As our world went through drastic changes in 2020, our belief of providing boundless opportunities for growth, prosperity and fulfilment as educators grew stronger. iLearning was born as the brainchild of Mr. Pemninder Singh Nagpal, who has dedicated 3 decades of his life to the education of India’s premier hospitality professionals. In a country where hospitality brews in the tea we serve to every guest in our humble homes, and the hearts of every individual that walk our streets. iLearning is the platform that pollinates the next generation of learners with seeds of mentorship, creative thinking and knowledge so they can blossom and launch careers that are second to none.


Our mission is to prepare and equip every learner with the ability to make informed choices, face challenges and develop industry-required digital skills. Providing a unique advantage that sets our students apart and sets them up for unbounded opportunities of success.


In the evolving landscape of the new job market, iLearning’s blend of technology and human connection is a unique opportunity created to empower young people with the education that prepares them for the world of constant change by leveraging a nurturing virtual educational

Why us?

iLearning’s cutting-edge curriculum has been established to lay the groundwork for success by instructors who are some of the most outstanding experts in the field.

World-class instructors

Our students are equipped with the hands-on expertise and a well-practiced caliber of a seasoned professional, no questions asked.

A hands-on approach

We work hard to ensure out students have access to mentorship, coaching, and networking opportunities at every turning point of their career.

An unmatched network

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