Great things in businesses are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people

A team is a group of people with different experience, knowledge, upbringing, qualification and different locations, however, working towards a single goal or passion. Every member in the teams brings his/her own energy , beliefs, perspectives, skills, talent and working style. All these diverse factors makes the team strong. As it is said Together Everyone Achieves More. And definitely due to the combined efforts and skills of team members, results are higher and levels of performance is better than an individual can achieve.

Well, when the combined results are better than expected, for sure the motivation levels increase for everyone and the creativity and out of box thinking emerges as winner. This requires everyone to contribute according to their skill area, talent and must fulfil the commitments set within the time deadlines.

And, here comes the major challenges of working as a team. Difference of opinion, meeting deadlines and working with diverse souls, require the work to be systematically planned, allocated and executed. Everyone feels proud to be associated with a successful team, however, it is like a chain and the team is as strong as the weakest member in the team.

Therefore, to make a perfect team, one should analyse the strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats of every member. And allocate duties or responsibilities according to the capability and capacity of an individual.

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