NFCI has launched a blended learning module for a close-to-classroom, rightly christened – ilearning. This module indents to preserve the much appreciated educational experience associated with NFCI Centres across North India. The module is designed to keep the delivery of the courseware continual, thus making the teaching-learning process seamless. All the digital techniques being incorporated by NFCI maximise the in-class and out-of-the-class learning of its students. Although the blended learning module has been instigated due to the unimaginable restricted physical access to educational institutions because of the pandemic, it is here to offer a lot of exciting content, delivered using a wide array of digital resources. The learning is nevertheless – both fruitful and dynamic. The existing curricular pattern is now effectively partitioned into 2 clear categories – 60% Practical and 40% Theoretical, as all skill-based modules of NFCI are undoubtedly industry oriented. Student engagement and involvement is of prime significance and with various interesting online challenges and activities, students are in for a truly magnificent learning experience. With face-to-face virtual sessions, live demonstrations and detailed lessons imparted, the aspiring hospitality professionals get realistic classroom experience. The think-tank of the centres, the battery of trainers and instructors, share their know-how from the basics to the advanced concepts using the best possible medium.
The objective of ilearning is to empower students with skills that they intend to learn, using the best digital tools that provide an active and inquiry-oriented platform, enhancing the interest levels of the learners abundantly. The blended learning approach of NFCI is sure to benefit aspiring entrepreneurs, chefs and hospitality professionals making them industry-ready.
Undeniably, NFCI Group is tapping both – the internet connectivity and advanced technology, as this combination works finest when it supports the real essence of education and supports teachers in helping students embrace skills.