Perfect Adjectives-Fluent English Club

What you will learn
  • You will learn the right words to be used in the right situation
  • You will learn appropriate adjectives according to the situation
  • You will learn correct English Vocabulary
  • You will learn the correct usage of sentences with appropriate words
  • You will add more adjectives to your vocabulary
Course Description It is a wonderful course which will help you in developing the right vocabulary in English giving you an edge in all formal and informal situations. You will feel more confident while having conversations with native and non-native speakers. This course focuses on situation-based learning like description of self, weather, places etc. This can become your best friend if you are also willing to give English language tests in the future. 

Course Currilcum

  • Adjectives for Positive Traits 00:08:00
  • Adjectives for Weather 00:05:00
  • Adjectives for Place 00:06:00
  • Adjectives for self 00:05:00
  • Final Assessment 00:10:00
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