Ways to learn cooking with the job

It may be exhausting and time-consuming to peel or chop, combine, blend, stir, and cook so many different things while working. On top of their already packed schedules, the majority of individuals also manage to cook for themselves. Having just two days off a week to enjoy a lavish supper is no longer an option for most people. It’s a lot to handle in the office. Work on presentations, pitches, and proposals must be completed within time constraints. It’s hard enough to think about eating, much alone preparing it, with all of this going on. It’s always better to create your own meals since they’re healthier. 

It is our hope that this blog will help you save time in the kitchen and alleviate some of your everyday frustrations. You can easily learn cooking while working if you consider taking investing in getting guidance from a reliable platform. Theilearning is one of the best online learning platforms that can easily help you learn cooking in the comfort of your home.

Lets plunge into some of the best ways to learn cooking with the job: 

As long as you’re capable of doing something, you’re capable of teaching someone else how to do anything. Make time to cook whenever you have the chance. If not, generate it. Take inspiration from watching culinary shows on TV, watching a few of your preferred chefs, but eventually come up with your own recipes based on the flavors, textures, and produce that you prefer. Learn the rules on your own and have fun doing it.

Even if it’s wild, working while having some fun in the kitchen won’t have much of an impact on your productivity

  • Slice the teachings into manageable parts. To some extent this is true: we learn best by doing. That portion cannot be avoided.
  • Searching for and learning about one of these phrases doesn’t take more than a few seconds. Within 15 minutes, you’ll be finished with your work for the day. The next day, begin a new term of cooking.
  • Keep doing it again and over.
  • Watch cooks in action by going to YouTube. Some of the most useful tips you’ll learn include things like food safety, fundamental knife skills and how to properly store your food in your pantry.
  • A few minutes of your day is all that is needed to watch a few videos. At this point, you’ve finished your work for the day. Rinse and repeat in the days to come.
  • Take a break from the “reality show” and watch a TV programme for 30 minutes to an hour if you have extra time on your hands. Visit the Food Network to see some culinary demonstrations.
  • Stocking your kitchen is the next step in learning how to cook.
  • Shop around for all the kitchen supplies you’ll need to succeed, including silverware, cooking equipment and spices.
  • Once the kitchen is filled, it’s time to start playing about.
  • Start with basic and quick meals that may be made in less than 30 minutes.

Here are some of the easy cooking skills that you can easily consider learning by just sitting at home:


The French culinary phrase sautéing, which literally translates as “jump,” refers to the process of cooking food at a high temperature while using a little fat (such as butter or oil) and stirring or even tossing the food in the pan to assist keep the food moving.


When it comes to cooking, stir-frying is quite similar to sautéing; the difference is that you use a bit more fat than you would if you were sautéing and you cook the food at a higher temperature. You may use this method for vegetables as well as for sensitive, quick-cooking portions of meat such as chicken breast. It is considered to be one of the most important starter cooking techniques. 


In order to cook food using steam, you place it in a colander or a basket and place it over a saucepan or kettle of boiling water. Broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans may be cooked this way, as can shrimp, mussels, and clams, all of which taste fantastic.


Poaching is among the most underappreciated methods of cooking meat and seafood. To cook an item, just bring a liquid (such as bouillon or champagne) to a simmer and cook it there until it’s done. Poaching allows you to obtain moist, perfectly cooked food every time. Poached meats and seafood are very delicious and high in protein. 

Tips of managing cooking while working 

Consider using induction instead of electricity

For one, you don’t have to deal with bulky gas cylinders when using an induction stove, and they’re also much simpler to cook on and clean up afterward. This is particularly true if your housekeeper chooses to take a day off unexpectedly. In addition to being simpler to clean, the nonstick surface makes it more efficient since it cooks food quicker than gas, which loses a lot of heat to the environment.

Keep a clean fridge by making more servings but cooking more food

Whenever you have the time and money to prepare a nice dinner, it’s a good idea to make extra so you can reheat it for a light breakfast the next day. It’s also important to use up whatever leftovers you have the following day. The fridge should be cleaned every two days, so that any stale food that has built up may be removed and replaced.

Take use of culinary tips and tricks

Many culinary websites, blogs, and Youtube videos are devoted to providing you with time-saving tips and tricks. To save time and effort when cooking, it’s a good idea to pay attention to these channels, publications, and websites. The only way to figure out which of these hacks really works is to try them all. Moreover, see which ones work best.

Final Thought  

Managing cooking while doing a 9 to 5 job is quite a struggling task. However, in this blog, you will get an adequate idea about how you can learn it and perform it on a daily basis. If you are truly searching for an online learning platform. That can help you gain all the cooking skills in a limited duration of time then join theilearning.

March 15, 2022

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